What to do after a law degree?

law degree

While law does not appear in the subjects taught as part of a general or technological baccalaureate , the law degree is one of the favorite licenses of high school students in their choice of orientation on Parcoursup . So why this craze to want to study law?

What is a license?

What opportunities and jobs after a law degree?

After a law degree , opportunities are found in both the private and public sectors (via administrative competitions). We can cite these professions accessible to bac+3 after a course in law:

What masters after a law degree?

After your law degree , you can continue with a master’s degree to obtain a bac+5 in law. With a master’s degree in law, the opportunities are even more numerous. It is then possible to consider

There are different masters in law depending on your interests and the universities. You can choose a master’s degree in private law, public law, international law, health law, business law, criminal law, tax law, public administration, human resources, etc.

Why choose a double degree?

The law being very general in license , it is possible to prepare a double course to give a double competence to your training course:

What public service competitions to present after a law degree?

There are many public service competitions accessible after a law degree . We can cite the competition to enter the police such as the external competition for police officer open to bac +3 or the competitions for territorial attaché, labor controller, inspector or controller of fraud, customs or public finances.

The entrance examination to the National School of Penitentiary Administration is open to holders of a license, but in fact the majority of candidates have a bac+5.

What specialized schools after a law degree?

To become a prison counselor for integration and probation, you will have to take a one-year training course at the National School of Prison Administration in Agen.

Concerning the careers of magistrate, you will have to be accepted in the entrance examination of the National School of the magistrature in Bordeaux. And to become a police commissioner, a bac+5 is also necessary.

What gateways after studying law?

With your law degree in hand, you can go to business schools , journalism schools or IEPs, institutes of political studies . The law offers solid legal knowledge appreciated within various companies in many trades.

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